
A whole lot of something

Canada's tallest zipline photos.... Click here!

Man. I'm such a slacker blogger. I guess you could weigh the pros and cons, the obvious pro being that I'm clearly doing important, busy, journalism things that keep me from blogging (only 70% true) and the con being that... I don't really know.

It's Saturday morning and I have to write up a Charlatan sports story (I already did a feature story this morning), I have to catch up on this week's online summer school lectures, attend a drunken ball hockey tournament and then get into my fancy garb to report on a save-the-ducks fancy schmancy meal (at least it's free food right?).

I'm not going to lie. Mostly I just want to sleep right now. I inexplicably woke up at 5 in the morning and couldn't sleep again for awhile and then woke up for good at 7, which isn't awesome when  you're a tired, tired person. I'm sure nobody has sympathy for me since most people are underslept and therefore are too busy being underslept to have sympathy about other people being underslept, ah well.

This week was hit and miss. I've been working on a longer form feature for Monday's paper (that I'm quite proud of so far) so that's helped make the "miss" days a little bit better.

Thursday was pretty much the highlight (yesterday was a little suckier - except for the minor excitement of a dead body and a bank robbery on BMX) with a good piece on the mayor of West Kelowna re-running, my HST story making front page, and a solid look at the province's new animal cruelty laws - as well as a couple of tearjerker interviews for my feature story. Seriously, I can no longer count on one hand how many times people have just started crying when I ask them questions on the phone.

Monday was of course solid with the testing of Canada's tallest ziplines (crazy views!) and a stop off at our favourite bakery (they make awesome lemon meringue tarts - hence my new love of all things lemon meringe).

Anyhow, the main assignment editor is heading off on a two week vacation, so I'm pretty excited to see how it goes with the new assignment editor for the next little while, although really it's not much since my next two weeks of work are both 4-day weeks since I'm heading off to Victoria next Thursday night for a visit with my long-lost roommate Nat and of course Granny!

Although the newspaper doesn't really use it's website, I have managed to drag up a grand total of one of my stories (yes, one) online. It's not my best story, not even by a half, but it's the only thing I have online to show for my work. Although I have hard copies of everything.

Want to hear about an overpriced walkway? Here it is.

Later skaters,

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